segunda-feira, 21 de julho de 2008


I have a friend of mine who is totally and absolutely in love with all beautiful women. He's so tremendously in love with all of them that he can't have a long term relationship with just one. He has a long term relationship with desire and variety. He's fair at one point: one at a time. Still, I wonder if he will ever convert himself into a monogamous being. This is all very funny because I am on the other side of the barricade. I am the friend. I can say: poor girl1; poor girl2; she should have seen it coming, girl3. Probably some of us humans have inherited the poligamy gene and we're meant to be spreading love all around. Love in the lightest possible meaning. O chamado "amor à primeira vista", or in my friend's case "on the first glance", because it's quicker.

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