segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2011


It's quite surprising this feeling. It needs a darkened, mean heart to linger through time. No matter how ridiculous it might seem, the grudge bearers are poor people with no sense of future, lingering on to a painful distant past which anchors them, paradoxically offering them the purpose to keep going, to keep hating. Unfortunately, it drags their hearts through the mud, preventing them from letting go of all the shitty feelings they've packed.

Poor people, I dare say, for they live still, feeding on such a poor feeling. Poor people, I dare say, for their idea of superiority makes them weak and mean. Like this, they will always fail to be whole. And happy. Of course, in the end, it is never their fault.

Portuguese cinema

Como alguns amigos não falavam de outra coisa, sentia-me em falta por deixar passar "Sangue do meu Sangue". Poderoso, aflitivo, claustrofóbico, degradante, barulhento, promíscuo, etc e tal, uma panóplia de adjetivos lisonjeadores para toda a obra, em particular para os desempenhos da Rita Blanco e do Nuno Lopes. E lá fomos. Sim, concordamos com todos os adjectivos. Subscrevemos. Mas acrescentaríamos mais: demorado, penoso, manoel oliveirense de tão grande que era! Alguém nos podia ter avisado que havia duas versões: uma de 1h30... outra de 3h e30. Não há cu que aguente... 


I liked the film. It made me think of a soft Tarantino. Ryan Goslyn has that fabulous chemistry with the leading lady, so soft and tender.  Etherial soundtrack, quite nice. Too bloody for sensitive eyes. For those who are tired of diving their heads into paper and are dying for something new, go for it. I did and it made wonders. Just like my magnificent friend S. mentioned, Ryan Gosling is the new Steve McQueen.