sábado, 12 de abril de 2008

2nd in Line

- Hi. How are you? Long time no see.
-Yep, that's right. Everything's fine. And you? Are you alone?

- Me?! Yep. I'm done with her.
- Really? What went wrong?

- She wanted me to change a lot of things... It became a heavy burden to carry. I can't stand when people try to change me and rip me off. She was too young.
- People or women?

- I just like being myself. You know that. You're the same.
- Is that a hint to say that I know you well and that we are similar?

- No, it doesn't mean anything. It means you know me well.
- Right. Exactly how much time do you think you'll need to get me in bed?

- For God's sake! I just want to meet up and have a cup of coffee. Why do women always think that? Men have other things on their mind.
- How long has it been since you haven't get properly laid?

- It's not that. I would never called you for that!
- Why not? Do you mean I am a bad f....?!

- Of course not! You were great... In fact I usually remember...
- See, you want to get laid. Why don't you just ask me so instead of disguising it as a "cup of coffee". It's more of a "coffee to copulate"!

- You seem cold... distant.
- It's 4 degrees. I'm in Évora and you in Lisbon. Yes, I am cold and distant.

- What has happened to you? You were such and affectionate woman...
- Meaning I always let you be on top and in control?

- Why does every thing I say has to be transformed into sex?!
- Because that was the only reason you'd ever called me, Manel...
How're your wife and kids?

- They're ok. The older is going to college. And yours?
- They're fine. Thanks for asking.

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