segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2008


I've been David Duchovny's fan ever since "The Wild Orchid-The Red Shoes Diary" (great soundtrack, by the way!). When every girl phantasized about the strong macho workman with the perfect six-pack, I was blown away by that sweet, faithful, dedicated look of his and I have been in love with that sweet helpless look ever since.
Now, I am seduced by his groovy, helpless, messy way in this new series. A sexy intelligent father but a rational, killing selfish man, seducing everything with a pure and stabbing innocence.
The dialogues are amazing!
The daughter to the father: "I know, don't worry. I know you don't mean to let me down. But you always do. I suppose there comes a time in which after all those crap and failing when a person is suppose to deliver, we have to say "fuck you"."
The daughter is a pre-teenager.
I leave here a nice present. A song from the soundtrack of The Red Shoe Diaries that had a magnificent set and moment. Only understandable to those who love intensely.

1 comentário:

Bruno Miguel Pinto disse...

Hello, Cassandra. I agree, the series "Californication" is quite good, it´s very well written and with good performances from the actors. The only things I don´t like so much is the exaggeration of the seduction power of Duchovny and the end of the first series, which is disappointing. By the way, I recommend the series "Tell me you love me", which is slow in the first episodes, but always interesting (only available on a site near you)...