quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2010


This damned dark never-ending sky pouring without shame over our shoulders is killing the smiles and hopes for this new year. No one remembers their goals and new year resolutions. You can see the whisper behind people's sore throats "I want to go home" "Let us cuddle in bed" "Lit me a warm fire at my feet" as they thrive in impatience behind their wheels in a giant line of whisperers during rush hour. I know for sure my genes were made to live under the sun. Most Portuguese, I guess, share my craving for the sunshine. "If I were rich" someone told me this once again grey morning "I would chase the sun around the word". Indeed. The warmth we feel near those old crappy heaters is equivalent to the temperature Australians are experiencing in the water... at the beach... at night. With age one would expect a woman to warm up in her natural temperature. However, my whispers are more desperate screams of someone who can't endure the cold and the rain together. Estou ensopada até às entranhas e fartinha destas temperaturas glaciares!

4 comentários:

sofia disse...

A winter mood que nos apanhou fez-me lembrar este poema, dos muitos que a minha professora de inglês costumava trazer para a aula.

The way a crow/Shook down on me/The dust of snow/From a hemlock tree

Has given my heart/A change of mood/And saved some part /Of a day I had rued.
Robert Frost

Pode ser que no meio do frio haja alguma coisa que, ao chocar contra nós, pelo menos nos aqueça:)

Rui disse...

Vidas diluídas e encarquilhadas.

E ainda não vai ser este fim-de-semana.

Cassandra disse...


good English teacher you had. Nice poem.

Sim... Há dois dias fui eu que choquei contra a porta, às escuras. Aqueceu-me logo a testa;).

Cassandra disse...

fica para o próximo;)