quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2008


There are certain things in life which cannot be put aside. The feeling that we're not a priority in the life of the ones we love is disturbing and never reassuring. No matter how hard we try to convince ourselves that it's a set of circumstances which creates this situation, the bare fact is we give more than we receive and that inevitably creates a deficit hard to overcome.

The tranquility of someone's absence can be similar to selfishness or simply lack of feeling. There's no explanation for living well with that absence... In so doing, the presence becomes a mere accessory and this, like a new ring, is of the easiest nature to replace.

1 comentário:

manhã disse...

não é fácil o amor, melhor seria arrancar um braço.
Não te esqueças que o amor não é fácil, nunca é fácil, seja qual for a circunstância. Tem fé.Se algo te magoa protege-te. Afasta-te, deixa que seja o outro a encontrar-te.